Joining Board Meetings

We are always pleased when you take the time to join us! Your interest in TMSA Public Charter Schools and your presence at Board meetings are appreciated.

Board Meeting Announcements

We announce Board meetings on the TMSA websites at least 48 hours before the scheduled meeting dates.

How to Join TMSA Board Meetings?

TMSA Board meetings are held in-person at TMSA schools on a monthly rotating basis.

  • Everyone is welcome to travel to the hosting campus. Please check out the relevant board meeting announcement at the news tab to join the meeting.
  • Or, you can join the meeting at your local TMSA school. We understand that the hosting school may require a long trip! Those who are unable to travel to the hosting school can join the meeting in-person by driving to one of the TMSA schools determined for the meeting. These TMSA schools will be connected to the hosting school electronically and ready to host/accommodate any public member who wants to view the meeting in person. Please check out the relevant board meeting announcement in the news tab.

Or, Watch It Live:

Those who cannot attend the meeting in-person are still encouraged to watch it live

Please note that this is a broadcast only link.

Public Comments

You can address TMSA Board in-person or send your written comments electronically to the Board.

  • In-Person Comments: To address the Board in person, you have to be physically present at the hosting school or the local TMSA schools before the meeting starts. You need to fill out the form below to sign up to speak in-person at the Board meeting.
  • Written Comments: You can send your written comments to the Board. Please fill out the form below and send your comment electronically.

TMSA Public Comment Form

*The form will be activated at least 48 hours before the scheduled meeting time and deactivated when the meeting starts.

*Please note that the public comment section allows individual community members to address the board on issues of concern and is not intended as a forum for extended conversation or two-way dialogue with the board members. All speakers are limited to up to 3 minutes.

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