Dear TMSA Community,
With ongoing concerns over the Coronavirus (COVID-19), we want to share information about the measures. TMSA is closely following the updates from the NC Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
Questions About International Travelers
We understand that some of you may have questions about families or students traveling internationally. Health organizations - not schools - identify international travelers who may have been exposed to the Coronavirus (COVID-19). If health officials have not placed someone under quarantine, they are allowed to be in our schools.
The CDC, federal and state health departments are aware of international travelers as they enter the United States. Health officials determine whether international travelers must be quarantined and monitor that process. Once health officials release a traveler from quarantine, they are deemed to not be contagious and can resume their normal activities, including going to school.
Preventing the Spread of Illnesses
State health officials have assured us that we should maintain our regular, routine cleaning procedures in our schools. They've stressed to us that we should approach the Coronavirus (COVID-19) the same as influenza.
The CDC and health departments emphasize the importance of good hygiene practices and maintaining normal cleaning routines to fight germs and prevent the spread of illnesses, like:
Regular, thorough hand washing with soap and water
Staying home if you or your child has had a fever, used fever-reducing medication, or experienced symptoms of illness within the past 24 hours.
If you are concerned that you or an immediate family member may have been exposed to the Coronavirus (COVID-19), you should call your medical provider or primary care physician.
Preparations for Local Impact
As always, the safety of our staff, students, and families is our top priority.
In the event of a local case of Coronavirus (COVID-19), we will follow guidelines and recommendations from the CDC. We're following the situation closely and working with health officials to develop contingency plans should the situation escalate.
We are also mindful of our actions as TMSA, making sure we do not take actions that could cause unnecessary public panic. We are coordinating with and following the recommendations of federal, state, and local health agencies with expertise addressing communicable diseases.
Know that we will continue to take every measure to ensure the health and safety of our students. If you have further questions or concerns about the Coronavirus (COVID-19), you can visit the websites of the
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention or
NC Department of Health and Human Services.
Thank you for your continued support of our schools.